
Write Around

Write-Around is a caching strategy used in computing systems to optimize the handling of data writes between the main memory and the cache. It focuses on minimizing the potential overhead of updating the cache for certain types of data. The core idea behind write-around is to bypass the cache for write operations, allowing the data to be directly written to the main storage (e.g., disk, database) without being stored in the cache.

How Write-Around Works:

  1. Write Operations: When a write occurs, instead of updating the cache, the new data is written directly to the main storage (e.g., a database or disk).
  2. Cache Bypass: The cache is not updated with the newly written data, reducing cache overhead.
  3. Cache Read-Only: The cache only stores data when it has been read from the main storage, meaning frequently read data will still be cached.


  • Reduced Cache Pollution: Write-around reduces the likelihood of "cache pollution" by avoiding caching data that may not be accessed again soon.
  • Lower Overhead: Write-around eliminates the need to synchronize the cache for every write operation, which can be beneficial for workloads where writes are infrequent or sporadic.


  • Potential Cache Misses: Since newly written data is not immediately added to the cache, subsequent read operations on that data will result in a cache miss, causing a slight delay until the data is retrieved from the main storage.
  • Inconsistent Performance: Write-around can lead to inconsistent read performance, especially if the bypassed data is accessed frequently after being written.

Comparison with Other Write Strategies:

  1. Write-Through: Writes data to both cache and main storage simultaneously, ensuring data consistency but with increased write latency.
  2. Write-Back: Writes data only to the cache initially and then writes it back to main storage at a later time, reducing write latency but requiring complex cache management.
  3. Write-Around: Bypasses the cache for write operations, only updating the main storage, and thus aims to reduce cache pollution.

Use Cases for Write-Around:

Write-around is suitable in scenarios where:

  • Writes are infrequent or temporary.
  • Avoiding cache pollution is more beneficial than faster write performance.
  • The data being written is unlikely to be accessed soon.

Overall, write-around is a trade-off between maintaining cache efficiency and reducing cache management overhead for certain write operations.


Write Back

Write-Back (also known as Write-Behind) is a caching strategy where changes are first written only to the cache, and the write to the underlying data store (e.g., database) is deferred until a later time. This approach prioritizes write performance by temporarily storing the changes in the cache and batching or asynchronously writing them to the database.

How Write-Back Works

  1. Write Operation: When a record is updated, the change is written only to the cache.
  2. Delayed Write to the Data Store: The update is marked as "dirty" or "pending," and the cache schedules a deferred or batched write operation to update the main data store.
  3. Read Access: Subsequent read operations are served directly from the cache, reflecting the most recent change.
  4. Periodic Syncing: The cache periodically (or when triggered) writes the "dirty" data back to the main data store, either in a batch or asynchronously.

Advantages of Write-Back

  1. High Write Performance: Since write operations are stored temporarily in the cache, the response time for write operations is much faster compared to Write-Through.
  2. Reduced Write Load on the Data Store: Instead of performing each write operation individually, the cache can group multiple writes and apply them in a batch, reducing the number of transactions on the database.
  3. Better Resource Utilization: Write-back can reduce the load on the backend store by minimizing write operations during peak times.

Disadvantages of Write-Back

  1. Potential Data Loss: If the cache server fails before the changes are written back to the main data store, all pending writes are lost, which can result in data inconsistency.
  2. Complexity in Implementation: Managing the deferred writes and ensuring that all changes are eventually propagated to the data store introduces additional complexity and requires careful implementation.
  3. Inconsistency Between Cache and Data Store: Since the main data store is updated asynchronously, there is a window of time where the data in the cache is newer than the data in the database, leading to potential inconsistencies.

Use Cases for Write-Back

  • Write-Heavy Applications: Write-back is particularly useful when the application has frequent write operations and requires low write latency.
  • Scenarios with Low Consistency Requirements: It’s ideal for scenarios where temporary inconsistencies between the cache and data store are acceptable.
  • Batch Processing: Write-back is effective when the system can take advantage of batch processing to write a large number of changes back to the data store at once.

Comparison with Write-Through

  • Write-Back prioritizes write speed and system performance, but at the cost of potential data loss and inconsistency.
  • Write-Through ensures high consistency between cache and data store but has higher write latency.


Write-Back is a caching strategy that temporarily stores changes in the cache and delays writing them to the underlying data store until a later time, often in batches or asynchronously. This approach provides better write performance but comes with risks related to data loss and inconsistency. It is ideal for applications that need high write throughput and can tolerate some level of data inconsistency between cache and persistent storage.


Client Server Architecture

The client-server architecture is a common concept in computing that describes the structure of networks and applications. It separates tasks between client and server components, which can run on different machines or devices. Here are the basic features:

  1. Client: The client is an end device or application that sends requests to the server. These can be computers, smartphones, or specific software applications. Clients are typically responsible for user interaction and send requests to obtain information or services from the server.

  2. Server: The server is a more powerful computer or software application that handles client requests and provides corresponding responses or services. The server processes the logic and data and sends the results back to the clients.

  3. Communication: Communication between clients and servers generally happens over a network, often using protocols such as HTTP (for web applications) or TCP/IP. Clients send requests, and servers respond with the requested data or services.

  4. Centralized Resources: Servers provide centralized resources, such as databases or applications, that can be used by multiple clients. This enables efficient resource usage and simplifies maintenance and updates.

  5. Scalability: The client-server architecture allows systems to scale easily. Additional servers can be added to distribute the load, or more clients can be supported to serve more users.

  6. Security: By separating the client and server, security measures can be implemented centrally, making it easier to protect data and services.

Overall, the client-server architecture offers a flexible and efficient way to provide applications and services in distributed systems.



Gearman is an open-source job queue manager and distributed task handling system. It is used to distribute tasks (jobs) and execute them in parallel processes. Gearman allows large or complex tasks to be broken down into smaller sub-tasks, which can then be processed in parallel across different servers or processes.

Basic Functionality:

Gearman operates on a simple client-server-worker model:

  1. Client: A client submits a task to the Gearman server, such as uploading and processing a large file or running a script.

  2. Server: The Gearman server receives the task and splits it into individual jobs. It then distributes these jobs to available workers.

  3. Worker: A worker is a process or server that listens for jobs from the Gearman server and processes tasks that it can handle. Once the worker completes a task, it sends the result back to the server, which forwards it to the client.

Advantages and Applications of Gearman:

  • Distributed Computing: Gearman allows tasks to be distributed across multiple servers, reducing processing time. This is especially useful for large, data-intensive tasks like image processing, data analysis, or web scraping.

  • Asynchronous Processing: Gearman supports background job execution, meaning a client does not need to wait for a job to complete. The results can be retrieved later.

  • Load Balancing: By using multiple workers, Gearman can distribute the load of tasks across several machines, offering better scalability and fault tolerance.

  • Cross-platform and Multi-language: Gearman supports various programming languages like C, Perl, Python, PHP, and more, so developers can work in their preferred language.

Typical Use Cases:

  • Batch Processing: When large datasets need to be processed, Gearman can split the task across multiple workers for parallel processing.

  • Microservices: Gearman can be used to coordinate different services and distribute tasks across multiple servers.

  • Background Jobs: Websites can offload tasks like report generation or email sending to the background, allowing them to continue serving user requests.

Overall, Gearman is a useful tool for distributing tasks and improving the efficiency of job processing across multiple systems.



Exakat is a static analysis tool for PHP designed to improve code quality and ensure best practices in PHP projects. Like Psalm, it focuses on analyzing PHP code, but it offers unique features and analyses to help developers identify issues and make their applications more efficient and secure.

Here are some of Exakat’s main features:

  1. Code Quality and Best Practices: Exakat analyzes code based on recommended PHP best practices and ensures it adheres to modern standards.
  2. Security Analysis: The tool identifies potential security vulnerabilities in the code, such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), or other weaknesses.
  3. Compatibility Checks: Exakat checks if the PHP code is compatible with different PHP versions, which is especially useful when upgrading to a newer PHP version.
  4. Dead Code Detection: It detects unused variables, methods, or classes that can be removed to make the code cleaner and easier to maintain.
  5. Documentation Analysis: It verifies whether the code is well-documented and if the documentation matches the actual code.
  6. Reporting: Exakat generates detailed reports on code health, including metrics on code quality, security vulnerabilities, and areas for improvement.

Exakat can be used as a standalone tool or integrated into a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline to ensure code is continuously checked for quality and security. It's a versatile tool for PHP developers who want to maintain high standards for their code.



Psalm is a PHP Static Analysis Tool designed specifically for PHP applications. It helps developers identify errors in their code early by performing static analysis.

Here are some key features of Psalm in software development:

  1. Error Detection: Psalm scans PHP code for potential errors, such as type inconsistencies, null references, or unhandled exceptions.
  2. Type Safety: It checks the types of variables and return values to ensure that the code is free of type-related errors.
  3. Code Quality: It helps enforce best practices and contributes to improving overall code quality.
  4. Performance: Since Psalm works statically, analyzing code without running it, it is fast and can be integrated continuously into the development process (e.g., as part of a CI/CD pipeline).

In summary, Psalm is a valuable tool for PHP developers to write more robust, secure, and well-tested code.


Rolling Deployment

Rolling Deployment is a gradual software release method where the new version of an application is deployed incrementally, server by server or node by node. The goal is to ensure continuous availability by updating only part of the infrastructure at a time while the rest continues running the old version.

How does it work?

  1. Incremental Update: The new version is deployed to a portion of the servers (e.g., one server in a cluster). The remaining servers continue serving user traffic with the old version.
  2. Monitoring: Each updated server is monitored to ensure that the new version is stable and functioning properly. If no issues arise, the next server is updated.
  3. Progressive Update: This process continues until all servers have been updated to the new version.
  4. Rollback Capability: If issues are detected on one of the updated servers, the deployment can be halted or rolled back to the previous version before more servers are updated.


  • Continuous Availability: The application remains available to users because only part of the infrastructure is updated at a time.
  • Risk Mitigation: Problems can be identified on a small portion of the infrastructure before affecting the entire application.
  • Efficient for Large Systems: This approach is particularly effective for large, distributed systems where updating everything at once is impractical.


  • Longer Deployment Time: Since the update is gradual, the overall deployment process takes longer than a complete rollout.
  • Complex Monitoring: It can be more challenging to monitor multiple versions running simultaneously and ensure they interact correctly, especially with changes to data structures or APIs.
  • Data Inconsistency: As with other deployment strategies involving multiple active versions, data consistency issues can arise.

A Rolling Deployment is ideal for large, scalable systems that require continuous availability and reduces risk through incremental updates.


Canary Release

A Canary Release is a software deployment technique where a new version of an application is rolled out gradually to a small subset of users. The goal is to detect potential issues early before releasing the new version to all users.

How does it work?

  1. Small User Group: The new version is initially released to a small percentage of users (e.g., 5-10%), while the majority continues using the old version.
  2. Monitoring and Feedback: The behavior of the new version is closely monitored for bugs, performance issues, or negative user feedback.
  3. Gradual Rollout: If no significant problems are detected, the release is expanded to a larger group of users until eventually, all users are on the new version.
  4. Rollback Capability: If major issues are identified in the small group, the release can be halted, and the system can be rolled back to the previous version before it affects more users.


  • Early Issue Detection: Bugs or errors can be caught early and fixed before the new version is widely available.
  • Risk Mitigation: Only a small portion of users is affected at first, minimizing the risk of large-scale disruptions.
  • Flexibility: The deployment can be stopped or rolled back at any point if problems are detected.


  • Complexity: Managing multiple versions simultaneously and monitoring user behavior requires more effort and possibly additional tools.
  • Data Inconsistency: When different user groups are on different versions, data consistency issues can arise, especially if the data structure has changed.

A Canary Release provides a safe, gradual way to introduce new software versions without affecting all users immediately.


Blue Green Deployment

Blue-Green Deployment is a deployment strategy that minimizes downtime and risk during software releases by using two identical production environments, referred to as Blue and Green.

How does it work?

  1. Active Environment: One environment, e.g., Blue, is live and handles all user traffic.
  2. Preparing the New Version: The new version of the application is deployed and tested in the inactive environment, e.g., Green, while the old version continues to run in the Blue environment.
  3. Switching Traffic: Once the new version in the Green environment is confirmed to be stable, traffic is switched from the Blue environment to the Green environment.
  4. Rollback Capability: If issues arise with the new version, traffic can be quickly switched back to the previous Blue environment.


  • No Downtime: Users experience no disruption as the switch between environments is seamless.
  • Easy Rollback: In case of problems with the new version, it's easy to revert to the previous environment.
  • Full Testing: The new version is tested in a production-like environment without affecting live traffic.


  • Cost: Maintaining two environments can be resource-intensive and expensive.
  • Data Synchronization: Ensuring data consistency, especially if the database changes during the switch, can be challenging.

Blue-Green Deployment is an effective way to ensure continuous availability and reduce the risk of disruptions during software deployment.


Zero Downtime Release - ZDR

A Zero Downtime Release (ZDR) is a software deployment method where an application is updated or maintained without any service interruptions for end users. The primary goal is to keep the software continuously available so that users do not experience any downtime or issues during the deployment.

This approach is often used in highly available systems and production environments where even brief downtime is unacceptable. To achieve a Zero Downtime Release, techniques like Blue-Green Deployments, Canary Releases, or Rolling Deployments are commonly employed:

  • Blue-Green Deployment: Two nearly identical production environments (Blue and Green) are maintained, with one being live. The update is applied to the inactive environment, and once it's successful, traffic is switched over to the updated environment.

  • Canary Release: The update is initially rolled out to a small percentage of users. If no issues arise, it's gradually expanded to all users.

  • Rolling Deployment: The update is applied to servers incrementally, ensuring that part of the application remains available while other parts are updated.

These strategies ensure that users experience little to no disruption during the deployment process.


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