

Docker is an open-source platform that allows developers to package and deploy applications along with their dependencies into containers. Containers are a type of virtualization technology that enables applications to run isolated and consistently across different environments, regardless of the underlying operating systems and infrastructures.

Here are some key features and concepts of Docker:

  1. Container: Docker uses containers to isolate and package applications and their dependencies. A container contains everything an application needs to run, including the operating system, libraries, and other required components. Containers are lightweight, portable, and provide consistent environments for running applications.

  2. Images: Containers are created from Docker images, which are lightweight and portable descriptions of an application environment. Docker images can be stored in registries and retrieved from there. Developers can use existing images or create their own to configure their applications and services.

  3. Dockerfile: A Dockerfile is a text file that defines the steps to build a Docker image. It contains instructions for installing software packages, configuring environment variables, copying files, and other necessary tasks to create the application environment.

  4. Docker Hub: Docker Hub is a public registry service where Docker images can be hosted. Developers can download and use images from Docker Hub or publish their own images there.

  5. Orchestration: Docker also provides tools and platforms for orchestrating containers in distributed environments, such as Docker Swarm and Kubernetes. These enable managing, scaling, and monitoring containers across multiple hosts to deploy and operate complex applications.

Overall, Docker simplifies the development, deployment, and scaling of applications by providing a consistent and portable environment that can easily run in different environments.


Created 6 Months ago
Applications Docker Software Software Architecture

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