
Captain Hook

CaptainHook is a PHP-based Git hook manager that helps developers automate tasks related to Git repositories. It allows you to easily configure and manage Git hooks, which are scripts that run automatically at certain points during the Git workflow (e.g., before committing or pushing code). This is particularly useful for enforcing coding standards, running tests, validating commit messages, or preventing bad code from being committed.

CaptainHook can be integrated into projects via Composer, and it offers flexibility for customizing hooks and plugins, making it easy to enforce project-specific rules. It supports multiple PHP versions, with the latest requiring PHP 8.0​.



Breaking Changes

Breaking Changes refer to modifications in software, an API, or a library that cause existing code or dependencies to stop functioning as expected. These changes break backward compatibility, meaning older versions of the code that rely on the previous version will no longer work without adjustments.

Typical examples of Breaking Changes include:

  1. Changing or Removing Functions: A function that previously existed is either removed or behaves differently.
  2. Modifying Interfaces: When the parameters of a method or API are changed, existing code that uses this method might throw errors.
  3. Changes in Data Structures: Modifications to data formats or models can render existing code incompatible.
  4. Behavioral Changes: If the behavior of the code is fundamentally altered (e.g., from synchronous to asynchronous), this often requires adjustments in the calling code.

Dealing with Breaking Changes usually involves developers updating or adapting their software to remain compatible with new versions. Typically, Breaking Changes are introduced in major version releases to signal to users that there may be incompatibilities.



A Changelog is a file or document that lists the changes and updates made to software or a project. It provides a chronological record of new features, bug fixes, improvements, and breaking changes (changes that break backward compatibility). A changelog helps users and developers track the development progress of a software project and understand what changes have been made in a particular version.

Key Components of a Changelog:

  1. Version Numbers: Each set of changes is associated with a version number (e.g., 1.2.0), often following SemVer (Semantic Versioning) principles.
  2. Types of Changes: Changes are categorized into sections, such as:
    • Added: New features or functionalities.
    • Changed: Modifications to existing features.
    • Fixed: Bug fixes.
    • Deprecated: Features that are outdated and will be removed in future versions.
    • Removed: Features that have been removed.
    • Security: Security-related improvements or patches.
  3. Description of Changes: Each change is briefly described, sometimes with additional details if necessary.

Example of a Changelog:

# Changelog

## [1.2.0] - 2023-09-19
### Added
- New user authentication system.
- Ability to reset passwords via email.

### Fixed
- Resolved bug with session timeout after 30 minutes of inactivity.

### Changed
- Updated the UI for the login screen.

## [1.1.0] - 2023-08-10
### Added
- New dark mode theme for the dashboard.

### Security
- Patched vulnerability in file upload functionality.

Benefits of a Changelog:

  • Transparency: A changelog clearly shows what has changed from version to version.
  • Documentation: It serves as a useful reference for users who want to know what features or fixes are included in a new release.
  • Traceability: Developers can track previous changes, which is important for troubleshooting or when upgrading.

Changelogs are particularly common in open-source projects, as they provide the community with a transparent and clear overview of the project's development.



Merge Konflik

A merge conflict occurs in version control systems like Git when two different changes to the same file cannot be automatically merged. This happens when multiple developers are working on the same parts of a file simultaneously, and their changes clash.

Example of a Merge Conflict:

Imagine two developers are working on the same file in a project:

  1. Developer A modifies line 10 of the file and merges their change into the main branch (e.g., main).
  2. Developer B also modifies line 10 but does so in a separate branch (e.g., feature-branch).

When Developer B tries to merge their branch (feature-branch) with the main branch (main), Git detects that the same line has been changed in both branches and cannot automatically decide which change to keep. This results in a merge conflict.

How is a Merge Conflict Resolved?

  • Git marks the affected parts of the file and shows the conflicting changes.
  • The developer must then manually decide which change to keep, or if a combination of both changes is needed.
  • After resolving the conflict, the file can be merged again, and the conflict is resolved.

Typical Conflict Markings:

In the file, a conflict might look like this:

<<<<<<< HEAD
Change by Developer A
Change by Developer B
>>>>>>> feature-branch

Here, the developer needs to manually resolve the conflict and adjust the file accordingly.


Interactive Rebase

An Interactive Rebase is an advanced feature of the Git version control system that allows you to revise, reorder, combine, or delete multiple commits in a branch. Unlike a standard rebase, where commits are simply "reapplied" onto a new base commit, an interactive rebase lets you manipulate each commit individually during the rebase process.

When and Why is Interactive Rebase Used?

  • Cleaning Up Commit History: Before merging a branch into the main branch (e.g., main or master), you can clean up the commit history by merging or removing unnecessary commits.
  • Reordering Commits: You can change the order of commits if it makes more logical sense in a different sequence.
  • Combining Fixes: Small bug fixes made after a feature commit can be squashed into the original commit to create a cleaner and more understandable history.
  • Editing Commit Messages: You can change commit messages to make them clearer and more descriptive.

How Does Interactive Rebase Work?

Suppose you want to modify the last 4 commits on a branch. You would run the following command:

git rebase -i HEAD~4


1. Selecting Commits:

  • After entering the command, a text editor opens with a list of the selected commits. Each commit is marked with the keyword pick, followed by the commit message.


pick a1b2c3d Commit message 1
pick b2c3d4e Commit message 2
pick c3d4e5f Commit message 3
pick d4e5f6g Commit message 4

2. Editing Commits:

  • You can replace the pick commands with other keywords to perform different actions:
    • pick: Keep the commit as is.
    • reword: Change the commit message.
    • edit: Stop the rebase to allow changes to the commit.
    • squash: Combine the commit with the previous one.
    • fixup: Combine the commit with the previous one without keeping the commit message.
    • drop: Remove the commit.

Example of an edited list:

pick a1b2c3d Commit message 1
squash b2c3d4e Commit message 2
reword c3d4e5f New commit message 3
drop d4e5f6g Commit message 4

3. Save and Execute:

  • After modifying the list, save and close the editor. Git will then execute the rebase according to the specified actions.

4. Resolving Conflicts:

  • If conflicts arise during the rebase, you'll need to resolve them manually and then continue the rebase process with git rebase --continue.

Important Considerations:

  • Local vs. Shared History: Interactive rebase should generally only be applied to commits that have not yet been shared with others (e.g., in a remote repository) because rewriting history can cause issues for other developers.
  • Backup: It's advisable to create a backup (e.g., through a temporary branch) before performing a rebase, so you can return to the original history if something goes wrong.


Interactive rebase is a powerful tool in Git that allows you to clean up, reorganize, and optimize the commit history. While it requires some practice and understanding of Git concepts, it provides great flexibility to keep a project's history clear and understandable.