

Markdown is a lightweight markup language designed to create easily readable and simultaneously formattable text. It is often used to format text in websites, documentation, and other text-based formats. Markdown files use the .md or .markdown file extension.

Here are some basic elements of Markdown:

  1. Headings:

    • # Heading 1
    • ## Heading 2
    • ### Heading 3
  2. Text Formatting:

    • Italic: *italic* or _italic_
    • Bold: **bold** or __bold__
    • Strikethrough: ~~strikethrough~~
  3. Lists:

    • Unordered list:
      • * Item 1
      • * Item 2
    • Ordered list:
      • 1. Item 1
      • 2. Item 2
  4. Links:

    • [Link text](URL)
  5. Images:

    • ![Alt text](Image URL)
  6. Code:

    • Inline code: `code`
  7. Blockquotes:

    • > This is a quote
  8. Horizontal Line:

    • --- or ***

Markdown is particularly useful because it is easily readable even when not rendered. This makes it ideal for use in versioning and collaboration systems like GitHub, where users can directly view and edit text files.



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