
Merge Konflik

A merge conflict occurs in version control systems like Git when two different changes to the same file cannot be automatically merged. This happens when multiple developers are working on the same parts of a file simultaneously, and their changes clash.

Example of a Merge Conflict:

Imagine two developers are working on the same file in a project:

  1. Developer A modifies line 10 of the file and merges their change into the main branch (e.g., main).
  2. Developer B also modifies line 10 but does so in a separate branch (e.g., feature-branch).

When Developer B tries to merge their branch (feature-branch) with the main branch (main), Git detects that the same line has been changed in both branches and cannot automatically decide which change to keep. This results in a merge conflict.

How is a Merge Conflict Resolved?

  • Git marks the affected parts of the file and shows the conflicting changes.
  • The developer must then manually decide which change to keep, or if a combination of both changes is needed.
  • After resolving the conflict, the file can be merged again, and the conflict is resolved.

Typical Conflict Markings:

In the file, a conflict might look like this:

<<<<<<< HEAD
Change by Developer A
Change by Developer B
>>>>>>> feature-branch

Here, the developer needs to manually resolve the conflict and adjust the file accordingly.