

Selenium is an open-source tool primarily used for automated testing of web applications. It provides a suite of tools and libraries that enable developers to create and execute tests for web applications by simulating interactions with the browser.

The main component of Selenium is the Selenium WebDriver, an interface that allows for controlling and interacting with various browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc. Developers can use WebDriver to write scripts that automatically perform actions like clicking, filling out forms, navigating through pages, etc. These scripts can then be executed repeatedly to ensure that a web application functions properly and does not have any defects.

Selenium supports multiple programming languages like Java, Python, C#, Ruby, etc., allowing developers to write tests in their preferred language. It's an extremely popular tool in software development, particularly in the realm of automated testing of web applications, as it enhances the efficiency and accuracy of test runs and reduces the need for manual testing.



In computer science, particularly in programming, the term "Observable" refers to a concept commonly used in reactive programming. An Observable is a data structure or object representing a sequence of values or events that can occur over time.

Essentially, an Observable enables the asynchronous delivery of data or events, with observers reacting to this data by executing a function whenever a new value or event is emitted.

The concept of Observables is frequently utilized in various programming languages and frameworks, including JavaScript (with libraries like RxJS), Java (with the Reactive Streams API), and many others. Observables are particularly useful for situations where real-time data processing is required or when managing complex asynchronous operations.



Kibana is a powerful open-source data visualization and analysis tool specifically designed to work with Elasticsearch. As part of the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana), Kibana allows users to index, search, and visualize data in Elasticsearch to gain insights into their data.

Here are some key features and functions of Kibana:

  1. Data Visualization: Kibana offers a variety of visualization options, including charts, tables, heatmaps, time series, pie charts, and more. Users can retrieve data from Elasticsearch and create custom dashboards and visualizations to represent their data in an understandable and appealing way.

  2. Querying and Filtering: Kibana allows users to query and filter data in Elasticsearch to find and analyze specific information. With the Kibana Query Language (KQL), complex queries can be created to filter data based on specific criteria.

  3. Dashboards: Users can create custom dashboards to combine multiple visualizations and charts, providing a comprehensive overview of their data. Dashboards can be personalized with various widgets and visualizations to meet the specific requirements of a use case.

  4. Real-Time Visualization: Kibana provides features for real-time visualization of data from Elasticsearch. Users can view streaming data and create dynamic dashboards to detect trends and patterns in real-time.

  5. User-Friendly Interface: Kibana has a user-friendly web-based interface that allows users to easily access data, create queries, and configure visualizations without requiring extensive programming knowledge.

Overall, Kibana offers a comprehensive solution for visualizing and analyzing data stored in Elasticsearch. It is commonly used in areas such as log analysis, operational monitoring, business analytics, security monitoring, and more, to gain valuable insights from data and make informed decisions

ActiveX Data Objects - ADO

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) are a collection of COM-based objects developed by Microsoft to facilitate access to databases across various programming languages and platforms. ADO provides a unified interface for working with databases, allowing developers to execute SQL statements, read and write data, and manage transactions.

The main components of ADO include:

  1. Connection: Establishes a connection to the data source and manages connection properties.
  2. Command: Allows the execution of SQL statements or stored procedures on the data source.
  3. Recordset: Contains a result set from a query or stored procedure and enables traversing and editing of records.
  4. Record: Represents a single record in a recordset.
  5. Field: Represents a single field in a record and allows access to its value.

ADO has often been used in the development of Windows applications, especially in conjunction with the Visual Basic programming language. It provides an efficient way to access and manage databases without developers having to worry about the specific details of database connection.

Regular expressions - Regex

Regular expressions, often abbreviated as "Regex," are sequences of characters that define a search pattern. They are primarily used in text processing to find, extract, or manipulate text patterns. Regular expressions provide a powerful and flexible way to search and manipulate text based on a specific pattern.

With regular expressions, you can, for example:

  1. Search for text patterns: You can search for specific strings that match a defined pattern, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or URLs.

  2. Extract text patterns: You can extract parts of a text that match a specific pattern, such as parsing data from a format.

  3. Replace text patterns: You can replace text patterns in a text with other strings, such as substituting placeholders or removing unwanted characters.

Regular expressions are extremely flexible and allow the use of metacharacters and quantifying expressions to define complex patterns. They are supported in many programming languages and text editors and are a fundamental tool for text manipulation and analysis in software development, data processing, web development, and other fields.


SQL-Injection - SQLI

SQL injection (SQLI) is a type of attack where an attacker injects malicious SQL code into input fields or parameters of a web page, which is then executed by the underlying database. This attack method exploits vulnerabilities in input validation to gain unauthorized access to or manipulate the database.

An example of SQL injection would be if an attacker enters an SQL command like "OR 1=1" into the username field of a login form. If the web application is not adequately protected against SQL injection, the attacker could successfully log in because the injected SQL command causes the query to always evaluate to true.

SQL injection can have various impacts, including:

  1. Disclosure of confidential information from the database.
  2. Manipulation of data in the database.
  3. Execution of malicious actions on the server if the database supports privileged functions.
  4. Destruction or corruption of data.

To protect against SQL injection attacks, web developers should employ secure programming practices, such as using parameterized queries or ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) frameworks to ensure all user inputs are handled securely. Additionally, it's important to conduct regular security audits and promptly install security patches.



Websockets are an advanced technology for bidirectional communication between a web browser (client) and a web server. Unlike traditional HTTP connections, which typically work in a unidirectional manner (from the client to the server), Websockets enable simultaneous communication in both directions.

Here are some key features of Websockets:

  1. Bidirectional Communication: Websockets allow real-time communication between the client and server, with both parties able to send messages in both directions.

  2. Low Latency: By establishing a persistent connection between the client and server, Websockets reduce latency compared to traditional HTTP requests, where a new connection has to be established for each request.

  3. Efficiency: Websockets reduce overhead compared to HTTP, requiring fewer header details and relying on a single connection instead of establishing a new one for each request.

  4. Support for Various Protocols: Websockets can use different protocols, including the WebSocket protocol itself, as well as Secure WebSocket (wss) for encrypted connections.

  5. Event-Driven Communication: Websockets are well-suited for event-driven applications where real-time updates are required, such as in chat applications, real-time games, or live streaming.

Websockets are widely used in modern web applications to implement real-time functionalities. Using Websockets can make applications faster and more responsive, especially when dealing with dynamic or frequently changing data.


Function as a Service - FaaS

Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is a cloud computing model that allows developers to execute individual functions or code snippets without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. Essentially, FaaS enables developers to upload and run code in the form of functions without dealing with the deployment, scaling, or management of server infrastructure.

The idea behind FaaS is that developers only need to write and upload the code that fulfills a specific function. The FaaS platform then handles the execution of this code when triggered by events or requests. A typical example of FaaS is using serverless computing in the cloud, where developers deploy functions in the cloud that run only when needed.

Popular FaaS platforms include AWS Lambda by Amazon Web Services, Azure Functions by Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Functions by Google. They allow developers to upload and execute code in various programming languages, simplifying application development and scalability without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.


Programming Language

A programming language is a formal language used to create instructions that a computer can execute. Essentially, it's a set of rules and symbols that allow a developer to communicate to the computer what actions should be performed.There are different types of programming languages developed for various purposes. Some are particularly well-suited for web application development, others for system programming, data analysis, game development, and so on. Each language has its own rules, syntax, and semantics, but ultimately, they all serve the purpose of instructing the computer to perform specific tasks


An interpreter is a type of computer program that reads, analyzes, and directly executes source code. Unlike a compiler that translates the entire source code into an executable file, the interpreter analyzes the code line by line and executes it directly as it interprets it. This means that an interpreter converts the code into machine code or another executable form during runtime without generating a separate executable file. An interpreter is often used for programming languages like Python, JavaScript, and Ruby to convert the source code into instructions that the computer can execute.