

An Entity is a central concept in software development, particularly in Domain-Driven Design (DDD). It refers to an object or data record that has a unique identity and whose state can change over time. The identity of an entity remains constant, regardless of how its attributes change.

Key Characteristics of an Entity:

  1. Unique Identity: Every entity has a unique identifier (e.g., an ID) that distinguishes it from other entities. This identity is the primary distinguishing feature and remains the same throughout the entity’s lifecycle.

  2. Mutable State: Unlike a value object, an entity’s state can change. For example, a customer’s properties (like name or address) may change, but the customer remains the same through its unique identity.

  3. Business Logic: Entities often encapsulate business logic that relates to their behavior and state within the domain.

Example of an Entity:

Consider a Customer entity in an e-commerce system. This entity could have the following attributes:

  • ID: 12345 (the unique identity of the customer)
  • Name: John Doe
  • Address: 123 Main Street, Some City

If the customer’s name or address changes, the entity is still the same customer because of its unique ID. This is the key difference from a Value Object, which does not have a persistent identity.

Entities in Practice:

Entities are often represented as database tables, where the unique identity is stored as a primary key. In an object-oriented programming model, entities are typically represented by a class or object that manages the entity's logic and state.


Created 20 Days 22 Hours ago
Applications Database Databases Data Integrity Entity Encapsulation Class Method Object Object Oriented Programming Primary Key Principles Programming Languages Programming Properties Software Inheritance Web Development

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