

A batch in computing and data processing refers to a group or collection of tasks, data, or processes that are processed together in one go, rather than being handled individually and immediately. It is a collected set of units (e.g., files, jobs, or transactions) that are processed as a single package, rather than processing each unit separately in real-time.

Here are some typical features of a batch:

  1. Collection of tasks: Multiple tasks or data are gathered and processed together.

  2. Uniform processing: All tasks within the batch undergo the same process or are handled in the same manner.

  3. Automated execution: A batch often starts automatically at a specified time or when certain criteria are met, without requiring human intervention.

  4. Examples:

    • A group of print jobs collected and then printed together.
    • A set of transactions processed at the end of the day in a financial system.

A batch is designed to improve efficiency by grouping tasks and processing them together, often during times when system load is lower, such as overnight.


Created 12 Days 22 Hours ago
Backend Batch Batch Processing Databases Data Integrity Programming

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