
Elastic Compute Cloud - EC2

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a core service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that offers scalable computing capacity in the cloud. With EC2, users can create and configure virtual machines (instances) to run various applications, ranging from simple web servers to complex database clusters.

EC2 provides a wide range of instance types with varying CPU, memory, and networking capabilities to suit different workload requirements. These instances can be quickly launched, configured, and scaled, offering the flexibility to increase or decrease resources as needed.

Additionally, EC2 offers features such as security groups for network security, elastic IP addresses for static addressing, load balancers for traffic distribution, and Auto Scaling to automatically adjust the number of instances based on current demand. Overall, EC2 enables businesses to utilize computing resources on-demand in the cloud, facilitating cost optimization and scalability.


Amazon Web Services - AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform provided by It offers a wide range of services including computing power, databases, storage, content delivery, and many other tools that help businesses and developers operate their applications and infrastructure in the cloud.

AWS allows companies to use resources and services on demand rather than owning and maintaining physical hardware and infrastructure. This enables them to operate more scalable, flexible, and cost-effective setups as they only pay for the resources they actually use.

Some of the most well-known AWS services include Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for deploying virtual servers, Simple Storage Service (S3) for data storage, and Amazon RDS for managed relational databases. AWS has a vast reach and is utilized by businesses of all sizes for a variety of applications and workloads.


Function as a Service - FaaS

Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is a cloud computing model that allows developers to execute individual functions or code snippets without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. Essentially, FaaS enables developers to upload and run code in the form of functions without dealing with the deployment, scaling, or management of server infrastructure.

The idea behind FaaS is that developers only need to write and upload the code that fulfills a specific function. The FaaS platform then handles the execution of this code when triggered by events or requests. A typical example of FaaS is using serverless computing in the cloud, where developers deploy functions in the cloud that run only when needed.

Popular FaaS platforms include AWS Lambda by Amazon Web Services, Azure Functions by Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Functions by Google. They allow developers to upload and execute code in various programming languages, simplifying application development and scalability without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.



Serverless refers to a cloud computing approach where developers can build and run applications without having to manage the underlying infrastructure, such as servers or server instances. In the serverless model, the responsibility for provisioning, scaling, and maintaining servers lies with a cloud service provider.

Essentially, serverless doesn’t mean there are no servers; it means developers don't need to concern themselves with managing those servers. The infrastructure is automatically managed and scaled by the provider as needed, allowing developers to focus on writing application code without worrying about the underlying hardware or server configuration.

Serverless applications are often broken down into functions or services known as "Function-as-a-Service" (FaaS). Developers write functions that respond to specific events and are managed and executed by the serverless provider. These functions scale on demand and are billed based on actual usage.

Benefits of serverless include improved scalability, cost savings through usage-based billing, reduced operational complexity, and the ability to focus on developing application logic rather than managing infrastructure. It's commonly used for various types of applications such as web applications, APIs, data processing, and more.


Cloud Computing

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing resources over the internet. Instead of using local servers or personal devices to store data or run applications, cloud services are provided and managed by a provider over the internet.

There are different types of cloud services:

  1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): It provides basic computing resources such as virtual machines, storage, and networking. Users can utilize and manage these resources without owning physical hardware.

  2. Platform as a Service (PaaS): It offers a platform for developers to build, run, and manage applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. This includes databases, development tools, and middleware.

  3. Software as a Service (SaaS): Fully hosted applications that can be accessed and used over the internet without requiring installations or updates on the users' devices. Examples include email services, office suites, and CRM systems.

Cloud computing offers numerous benefits, including scalability, flexibility, cost-effectiveness (through usage-based billing), easier access to resources, and regular updates to services provided by the vendor.

It's used across various domains, from businesses looking to outsource their infrastructure to developers aiming to build scalable applications. The cloud has significantly transformed how resources are provisioned and applications are developed.


Google Cloud PubSub

Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a managed messaging service provided by Google, based on the Publish/Subscribe model. It enables scalable and reliable message delivery between applications and systems in real-time.

Cloud Pub/Sub serves as a central intermediary for message delivery between different components within cloud infrastructure or across various applications. It facilitates Publish/Subscribe communication, where Publishers send messages to specific topics, and Subscribers subscribe to these topics to receive messages.

Some key features of Google Cloud Pub/Sub include:

  1. Scalability: It can handle messages in large volumes and is designed for high throughput rates.

  2. Reliability: It ensures message delivery with low latency and offers persistence to prevent message loss.

  3. Real-time processing: Facilitates real-time message transmission between applications or systems.

  4. Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Google Cloud services and can connect to external systems.

Cloud Pub/Sub is commonly used in cloud-based applications, data processing pipelines, real-time analytics, IoT (Internet of Things), and other scenarios requiring reliable and scalable message delivery.


Internet of Things - IoT

The "Internet of Things" (IoT) refers to a network of physical devices, vehicles, household appliances, and other objects equipped with sensors, software, connectivity, and the ability to collect and exchange data. These objects can communicate with each other and gather or share information, often over the internet or other networks.

The goal of IoT is to connect the physical world with the digital world, enhancing automation, efficiency, accuracy, and convenience in various domains. By using sensors and connectivity, IoT devices can collect, analyze, and utilize data to provide real-time information or perform actions without human intervention.

Examples of IoT applications include smart home devices like thermostats or lighting systems, connected vehicles with telematics systems, health monitoring devices, industrial machinery with sensors for monitoring and optimizing processes, and much more. IoT offers a wide range of applications aimed at improving how we live, work, and interact with the world around us.



In the context of a message broker, a "Publisher" refers to a component or entity that generates messages and sends them to the message broker. A message broker serves as an intermediary or middleware that facilitates communication between different applications or systems by receiving, processing, and forwarding messages to the appropriate recipients.

The Publisher is the source of messages within this system. It produces messages and sends them to the message broker, which then forwards them to other systems or subscribers. Essentially, the Publisher sends information or events that can be received and processed by other parts of the system or by subscribers.

For example, in a messaging system, a Publisher could be an IoT device generating sensor data and sending it to the message broker, which then disseminates this data to various subscribers or receivers that process or act upon this information.


Message Broker

A Message Broker is a software component that facilitates communication between different applications or systems by receiving, forwarding, and delivering messages. It acts as an intermediary, transporting messages from one application to another regardless of the type of application or its location.

The Message Broker receives messages from a sending application, temporarily stores them, and then forwards them to the respective receivers. The broker can provide various functions such as message queues, topics, message routing, and transformations to ensure that messages are transmitted efficiently and securely.

Such systems are often used in distributed application landscapes to facilitate interaction and data exchange between different applications, services, or systems by enabling loosely coupled, reliable communication.


RabbitMQ is an open-source message-brokering software designed to facilitate communication between different systems, applications, or services. It acts as middleware, serving as a mediator for message exchange between different parts of an application or among different applications.

Built on the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), RabbitMQ allows sending, receiving, and processing messages between various systems. It acts as a broker that distributes messages between senders and receivers, ensuring messages are transmitted in a specific order, with the right priority, and reliability.

It's often used in distributed systems, microservices architectures, for decoupling applications, and implementing queues to enable communication between various components of an application. RabbitMQ facilitates information exchange among different parts of a system, contributing to improving scalability, flexibility, and reliability of applications.