
GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered code assistant developed by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI. It uses machine learning to assist developers by generating code suggestions in real-time directly within their development environment. Copilot is designed to boost productivity by automatically suggesting code snippets, functions, and even entire algorithms based on the context and input provided by the developer.

Key Features of GitHub Copilot:

  1. Code Completion: Copilot can autocomplete not just single lines, but entire blocks, methods, or functions based on the current code and comments.
  2. Support for Multiple Programming Languages: Copilot works with a variety of languages, including JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, Ruby, Go, C#, and many others.
  3. IDE Integration: It integrates seamlessly with popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code and JetBrains IDEs.
  4. Context-Aware Suggestions: Copilot analyzes the surrounding code to provide suggestions that fit the current development flow, rather than offering random snippets.

How Does GitHub Copilot Work?

GitHub Copilot is built on a machine learning model called Codex, developed by OpenAI. Codex is trained on billions of lines of publicly available code, allowing it to understand and apply various programming concepts. Copilot’s suggestions are based on comments, function names, and the context of the file the developer is currently working on.


  • Increased Productivity: Developers save time on repetitive tasks and standard code patterns.
  • Learning Aid: Copilot can suggest code that the developer may not be familiar with, helping them learn new language features or libraries.
  • Fast Prototyping: With automatic code suggestions, it’s easier to quickly transform ideas into code.

Disadvantages and Challenges:

  • Quality of Suggestions: Since Copilot is trained on existing code, the quality of its suggestions may vary and might not always be optimal.
  • Security Risks: There’s a risk that Copilot could suggest code containing vulnerabilities, as it is based on open-source code.
  • Copyright Concerns: There are ongoing discussions about whether Copilot’s training on open-source code violates the license terms of the underlying source.


GitHub Copilot is available as a paid service, with a free trial period and discounted options for students and open-source developers.

Best Practices for Using GitHub Copilot:

  • Review Suggestions: Always review Copilot’s suggestions before integrating them into your project.
  • Understand the Code: Since Copilot generates code that the user may not fully understand, it’s essential to analyze the generated code thoroughly.

GitHub Copilot has the potential to significantly change how developers work, but it should be seen as an assistant rather than a replacement for careful coding practices and understanding.



Exakat is a static analysis tool for PHP designed to improve code quality and ensure best practices in PHP projects. Like Psalm, it focuses on analyzing PHP code, but it offers unique features and analyses to help developers identify issues and make their applications more efficient and secure.

Here are some of Exakat’s main features:

  1. Code Quality and Best Practices: Exakat analyzes code based on recommended PHP best practices and ensures it adheres to modern standards.
  2. Security Analysis: The tool identifies potential security vulnerabilities in the code, such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), or other weaknesses.
  3. Compatibility Checks: Exakat checks if the PHP code is compatible with different PHP versions, which is especially useful when upgrading to a newer PHP version.
  4. Dead Code Detection: It detects unused variables, methods, or classes that can be removed to make the code cleaner and easier to maintain.
  5. Documentation Analysis: It verifies whether the code is well-documented and if the documentation matches the actual code.
  6. Reporting: Exakat generates detailed reports on code health, including metrics on code quality, security vulnerabilities, and areas for improvement.

Exakat can be used as a standalone tool or integrated into a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline to ensure code is continuously checked for quality and security. It's a versatile tool for PHP developers who want to maintain high standards for their code.



Psalm is a PHP Static Analysis Tool designed specifically for PHP applications. It helps developers identify errors in their code early by performing static analysis.

Here are some key features of Psalm in software development:

  1. Error Detection: Psalm scans PHP code for potential errors, such as type inconsistencies, null references, or unhandled exceptions.
  2. Type Safety: It checks the types of variables and return values to ensure that the code is free of type-related errors.
  3. Code Quality: It helps enforce best practices and contributes to improving overall code quality.
  4. Performance: Since Psalm works statically, analyzing code without running it, it is fast and can be integrated continuously into the development process (e.g., as part of a CI/CD pipeline).

In summary, Psalm is a valuable tool for PHP developers to write more robust, secure, and well-tested code.


PHP Standards Recommendation - PSR

PSR stands for "PHP Standards Recommendation" and is a set of standardized recommendations for PHP development. These standards are developed by the PHP-FIG (Framework Interoperability Group) to improve interoperability between different PHP frameworks and libraries. Here are some of the most well-known PSRs:

  1. PSR-1: Basic Coding Standard: Defines basic coding standards such as file naming, character encoding, and basic coding principles to make the codebase more consistent and readable.

  2. PSR-2: Coding Style Guide: Builds on PSR-1 and provides detailed guidelines for formatting PHP code, including indentation, line length, and the placement of braces and keywords.

  3. PSR-3: Logger Interface: Defines a standardized interface for logger libraries to ensure the interchangeability of logging components.

  4. PSR-4: Autoloading Standard: Describes an autoloading standard for PHP files based on namespaces. It replaces PSR-0 and offers a more efficient and flexible way to autoload classes.

  5. PSR-6: Caching Interface: Defines a standardized interface for caching libraries to facilitate the interchangeability of caching components.

  6. PSR-7: HTTP Message Interface: Defines interfaces for HTTP messages (requests and responses), enabling the creation and manipulation of HTTP message objects in a standardized way. This is particularly useful for developing HTTP client and server libraries.

  7. PSR-11: Container Interface: Defines an interface for dependency injection containers to allow the interchangeability of container implementations.

  8. PSR-12: Extended Coding Style Guide: An extension of PSR-2 that provides additional rules and guidelines for coding style in PHP projects.

Importance of PSRs

Adhering to PSRs has several benefits:

  • Interoperability: Facilitates collaboration and code sharing between different projects and frameworks.
  • Readability: Improves the readability and maintainability of the code through consistent coding standards.
  • Best Practices: Promotes best practices in PHP development.

Example: PSR-4 Autoloading

An example of PSR-4 autoloading configuration in composer.json:

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "MyApp\\": "src/"

This means that classes in the MyApp namespace are located in the src/ directory. So, if you have a class MyApp\ExampleClass, it should be in the file src/ExampleClass.php.

PSRs are an essential part of modern PHP development, helping to maintain a consistent and professional development standard.



Best Practice

A "Best Practice" is a proven method or procedure that has been shown to be particularly effective and efficient in practice. These methods are usually documented and disseminated so that other organizations or individuals can apply them to achieve similar positive results. Best practices are commonly applied in various fields such as management, technology, education, healthcare, and many others to improve quality and efficiency.

Typical characteristics of best practices are:

  1. Effectiveness: The method has demonstrably achieved positive results.
  2. Efficiency: The method achieves the desired results with optimal use of resources.
  3. Reproducibility: The method can be applied by others under similar conditions.
  4. Recognition: The method is recognized and recommended by professionals and experts in a particular field.
  5. Documentation: The method is well-documented, making it easy to understand and implement.

Best practices can take the form of guidelines, standards, checklists, or detailed descriptions and serve as a guide to adopting proven approaches and avoiding errors or inefficient processes.