

A Modulith is a term from software architecture that combines the concepts of a module and a monolith. It refers to a software module that is relatively independent but still part of a larger monolithic system. Unlike a pure monolith, which is a tightly coupled and often difficult-to-scale system, a modulith organizes the code into more modular and maintainable components with clear separation of concerns.

The core idea of a modulith is to structure the system in a way that allows parts of it to be modular, making it easier to decouple and break down into smaller pieces without having to redesign the entire monolithic system. While it is still deployed as part of a monolith, it has better organization and could be on the path toward a microservices-like architecture.

A modulith is often seen as a transitional step between a traditional monolith architecture and a microservices architecture, aiming for more modularity over time without completely abandoning the complexity of a monolithic system.


Created 9 Days 20 Hours ago
Applications Microservice Modulith Monolith Principles Programming Scalability Software Software Architecture Spaghetti Code Strategies Web Development

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