
Active Server Pages - ASP

ASP stands for "Active Server Pages" and is a technology developed by Microsoft for creating dynamic web pages and web applications. It allows developers to create web pages that are dynamically generated on the server side by using scripting languages such as VBScript or JScript.

With ASP, developers can embed server-side scripts directly into HTML documents, allowing them to easily incorporate dynamic content such as database queries, user interactions, and conditional statements. ASP pages typically have the file extension ".asp".

A key component of ASP is the use of ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), which enables developers to access databases to generate dynamic content. This facilitates the development of interactive web applications with database support.

While ASP is still used by some companies, it has largely been superseded by ASP.NET, a more modern and powerful technology for web development from Microsoft. ASP.NET offers improved performance, security, and functionality compared to classic ASP.


Created 6 Months ago
Active Server Pages - ASP Database Microsoft Web Application Web Development

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