
Remote Function Call - RFC

A Remote Function Call (RFC) is a method that allows a computer program to execute a function on a remote system as if it were called locally. RFC is commonly used in distributed systems to facilitate communication and data exchange between different systems.

Key Principles:

  1. Transparency: Calling a remote function is done in the same way as calling a local function, abstracting the complexities of network communication.
  2. Client-Server Model: The calling system (client) sends a request to the remote system (server), which executes the function and returns the result.
  3. Protocols: RFC relies on standardized protocols to ensure data is transmitted accurately and securely.


  • SAP RFC: In SAP systems, RFC is used to exchange data between different modules or external systems. Types include synchronous RFC (sRFC), asynchronous RFC (aRFC), transactional RFC (tRFC), and queued RFC (qRFC).
  • RPC (Remote Procedure Call): RFC is a specific implementation of the broader RPC concept, used in technologies like Java RMI or XML-RPC.


  • Integrating software modules across networks.
  • Real-time communication between distributed systems.
  • Automation and process control in complex system landscapes.


  • Efficiency: No direct access to the remote system is required.
  • Flexibility: Systems can be developed independently.
  • Transparency: Developers don’t need to understand underlying network technology.


  • Network Dependency: Requires a stable connection to function.
  • Error Management: Issues like network failures or latency can occur.
  • Security Risks: Data transmitted over the network must be protected.


Created 3 Months ago
Applications Asynchronous programming Java Communication Method Network Programming Languages Programming Remote Code Execution - RCE Remote Function Call - RFC Software Software Architecture Web Development

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