
Release Please

"Release Please" is a tool developed by Google to automate various aspects of the software release process on GitHub. It automatically generates changelogs, creates release pull requests (PRs), and updates version numbers based on your project's commit history. The tool uses Conventional Commits, which are standardized commit message formats (like feat:, fix:, or feat!: for breaking changes) to determine how to bump the version and update release notes.

Once it's set up, the tool runs whenever new commits are pushed to the main branch. It creates a PR that includes a changelog and an updated version number, which can be merged to trigger an official GitHub release. This streamlines the release process by eliminating manual versioning and changelog creation. However, it doesn't handle tasks like publishing to package managers.

"Release Please" is typically integrated as a GitHub Action, making it suitable for continuous integration environments and automating release management​.


Created 23 Days 20 Hours ago
Release Please

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