
File Transfer Protocol Secure - FTPS

FTPS stands for "File Transfer Protocol Secure" and is an enhanced version of the traditional File Transfer Protocol (FTP), incorporating security features through the integration of Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). FTPS was developed to address security vulnerabilities associated with FTP, especially when transferring data over insecure networks like the internet.

Key features of FTPS include:

  1. Encryption: FTPS encrypts the data transmission between the client and the server to ensure confidentiality. This is achieved through the use of TLS or SSL.

  2. Authentication: FTPS provides various authentication methods, including username/password, certificates, and keys, enhancing security during the connection establishment.

  3. Port: Similar to FTP, FTPS can operate over ports 21 (clear-text control connection) and 20 (clear-text data connection), or alternative ports for encrypted connections.

  4. Modes: FTPS can operate in explicit or implicit modes. In explicit mode, encryption is explicitly requested by the client, while in implicit mode, it is inherent from the start.

FTPS is a popular choice for organizations looking to leverage the benefits of FTP while ensuring that the transmission of sensitive data is secure. It provides a more secure alternative to unencrypted FTP connections and is often deployed in security-critical environments.


Created 8 Months ago
File Transfer Protocol - FTP File Transfer Protocol Secure - FTPS Communication Network Secure File Transfer Protocol - SFTP Security Software Web Security

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