
Cloud Load Balancer

A Cloud Load Balancer is a service in the cloud that handles load distribution for applications and resources within a cloud environment. This service ensures that incoming traffic is distributed across various servers or resources to evenly distribute the load and optimize the availability and performance of the application. Cloud Load Balancers are provided by cloud platforms and offer similar features to traditional hardware or software Load Balancers, but with the scalability and flexibility advantages that cloud environments provide. Here are some key features of Cloud Load Balancers:

  1. Load Distribution: Cloud Load Balancers distribute user traffic across various servers or resources in the cloud, helping to evenly distribute the load and improve scalability.

  2. Scalability: Cloud Load Balancers dynamically adjust to requirements, automatically adding or removing resources to respond to fluctuations in traffic. This allows for easy scaling of applications.

  3. High Availability: By distributing traffic across multiple servers or resources, Cloud Load Balancers enhance the high availability of an application. In the event of server failures, they can automatically redirect traffic to remaining healthy resources.

  4. Health Monitoring: Cloud Load Balancers continuously monitor the health of underlying servers or resources. In case of issues, they can automatically redirect traffic to avoid outages.

  5. Global Load Balancing: Some Cloud Load Balancers offer global load balancing, distributing traffic across servers in different geographic regions. This improves performance and responsiveness for users worldwide.

Cloud Load Balancers are a crucial component for scaling and deploying applications in cloud infrastructures. Examples of Cloud Load Balancing services include Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Load Balancer, and Microsoft Azure Load Balancer.


Created 9 Months ago
Amazon Web Services - AWS Applications Cloud Computing Cloud Load Balancer Google Hardware Load Balancer Load Balancer Microsoft Scalability Software Load Balancer Web Application

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