
Server Side Includes Injection

Server Side Includes (SSI) Injection is a security vulnerability that occurs in web applications that use Server Side Includes (SSI). SSI is a technique allowing HTML files to be dynamically generated on the server by embedding special commands within HTML comments. These commands are interpreted and executed by the web server before the page is delivered to the client.

How does SSI Injection work?

In an SSI Injection attack, an attacker injects malicious SSI commands into input fields, URLs, or other mechanisms through which the application accepts user data. If the application does not properly validate and filter these inputs, the injected commands can be executed on the server.

Example of an SSI command:

<!--#exec cmd="ls"-->

This command would list the contents of the current directory on a vulnerable server.

Potential impacts of SSI Injection:

  • File System Manipulation: Attackers can read, modify, or delete files.
  • Remote Code Execution: Execution of arbitrary commands on the server, potentially leading to full system compromise.
  • Information Theft: Access to sensitive information, such as configuration files or database contents.
  • Denial of Service: Executing commands that crash or overload the server.

Mitigation measures against SSI Injection:

  1. Validate and Sanitize Inputs: All user inputs should be thoroughly validated and restricted to acceptable values.
  2. Use of Prepared Statements: Where possible, use prepared statements and parameterized queries to minimize the risk of injections.
  3. Limit SSI Usage: Avoid using SSI if it is not necessary, to reduce exposure to such vulnerabilities.
  4. Leverage Server Security Features: Configure the web server to accept only trusted SSI commands and avoid executing dangerous shell commands.

By implementing these measures, the risk of SSI Injection can be significantly reduced.


CSRF Token

A CSRF token (Cross-Site Request Forgery token) is a security measure used to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. CSRF is a type of attack where an attacker tricks a user into performing unwanted actions in a web application while the user is already logged into the application.

The CSRF token is a randomly generated value assigned to each user during their session. This token is typically used in the form of a hidden field in web forms or as part of URL parameters in AJAX requests. When the user performs an action, the web application checks if the submitted CSRF token matches the expected token. If the tokens match, the request is considered legitimate and processed. Otherwise, the request is rejected.

By using CSRF tokens, web applications can ensure that the actions performed originate from the authorized user and not from an attacker attempting to exploit a user's session. This helps to maintain the integrity and security of the application.


Web Application Firewall - WAF

A web application firewall (WAF) is a security solution that has been specially developed to protect web applications. It monitors traffic between web browsers and web applications to detect and block potentially harmful or unwanted activity. Essentially, a WAF acts as a shield that protects web applications from a variety of attacks, including

  1. SQL injection: an attack technique where attackers inject malicious SQL queries to access or manipulate the database.
  2. Cross-site scripting (XSS): An attack method where attackers inject scripts into websites to compromise users, such as by stealing session cookies or performing malicious actions on the user's behalf.
  3. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF): An attack in which an attacker makes a fraudulent request on behalf of an authenticated user to perform unwanted actions.
  4. Brute force attacks: Repeated attempts to log into a system using stolen or guessed credentials.
  5. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): Attacks in which a large number of requests are sent to a web application in order to overload it and make it inaccessible.

    A WAF analyzes HTTP and HTTPS traffic and applies specific rules and filters to identify and block suspicious activity. It can be implemented both at server level and as a cloud-based solution and is an important part of a comprehensive security strategy for web applications.


Fuzzing is an automated software testing technique where large amounts of random or semi-structured data (also called 'fuzz') are inputted into a program or system to discover unexpected behavior. The goal is to uncover vulnerabilities such as security flaws, crashes, or performance issues by bombarding the system with inputs that may not be properly handled.

The fuzzing process can be conducted in various ways, including using specially designed fuzzing tools or frameworks. These tools automatically generate a variety of inputs to be sent to the software under test. The software's response to these inputs is monitored, and if unexpected behavior is detected (such as a crash or unexpected output), it is considered a potential vulnerability and documented.

Fuzzing is an extremely effective method for identifying software defects and vulnerabilities, especially in complex and error-prone systems such as operating systems, network services, browsers, and embedded systems. It is used by both security researchers and software developers to enhance the robustness and reliability of software

Advanced Encryption Standard - AES

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric encryption technique used to secure data. It was developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States and officially recognized as a standard in 2001. AES replaces the outdated Data Encryption Standard (DES) due to its improved security and efficiency.

AES uses an algorithm that takes a message and a key as input and converts the message into an encrypted form. The recipient can then use the same key to restore the encrypted message. AES supports various key lengths, including 128, 192, and 256 bits, with 128 bits being the most commonly used key length.

Since AES is a symmetric encryption method, this means that the same key is used both to encrypt and decrypt the data. This makes AES fast and efficient for encrypting large amounts of data, making it a widely adopted standard for securing data in areas such as network security, database encryption, and data storage.



The Heartbleed Bug was a severe security vulnerability in the OpenSSL library that was publicly disclosed in April 2014. OpenSSL is a widely-used open-source implementation of SSL/TLS protocols used for encrypting data transmissions over the internet.

The Heartbleed Bug allowed an attacker to retrieve sensitive information from a server's memory by sending specially crafted requests to a server using OpenSSL. This information could include private keys, user login credentials, and other sensitive data. The severity of the vulnerability lay in its ability to allow an attacker to intercept sensitive information unnoticed and without leaving a trace.

The security flaw was quickly publicized, and developers worked to patch OpenSSL to address the Heartbleed Bug. Website operators and service providers were urged to update their systems and reissue certificates to ensure the security of their data and that of their users.

Heartbleed underscores the potential risks posed by security vulnerabilities in critical open-source software projects and highlights the importance of swift responses and updates to ensure internet security.


Data Encryption Standard - DES

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a widely-used symmetric encryption algorithm developed in the 1970s. It was established as a standard for encrypting sensitive data by the U.S. government agency NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).

DES uses a symmetric key, meaning the same key is used for both encryption and decryption of data. The key is 56 bits long, which is relatively short and considered less secure by today's standards.

DES operates using a Feistel structure, where the input is divided into blocks and encrypted in a series of rounds. Each round employs a substitution-permutation network structure to manipulate the data, working with a portion of the key.

Despite its past widespread use, DES is now considered insecure due to its relatively short key length and advancements in cryptography, particularly in brute-force analysis. It has been replaced by more modern encryption algorithms such as Triple DES (3DES) and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).


Browser Exploit Against SSL TLS - BEAST

BEAST (Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS) was a security vulnerability discovered in September 2011. This vulnerability primarily affected the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol, specifically the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) encryption mode in conjunction with the SSLv3 and TLS 1.0 protocols.

BEAST allowed an attacker to eavesdrop on and decrypt encrypted traffic between a web browser and a server. This was achieved by exploiting a weakness in the way CBC encryption was implemented in SSL/TLS.

To protect against BEAST attacks, it was recommended to upgrade to newer versions of TLS and to use alternative encryption methods that were not vulnerable to this weakness. Many web servers and browsers also implemented patches to mitigate the impact of BEAST.


Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption - POODLE

POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) was a security vulnerability in the SSLv3 (Secure Sockets Layer version 3) encryption protocol, discovered in October 2014. This vulnerability allowed an attacker to eavesdrop on and manipulate encrypted traffic between a web browser and a server. The attack exploited a weakness in the way SSLv3 processed blocks of encrypted data with padding. By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker could, under certain circumstances, steal sensitive information such as cookies.

Due to the severity of the vulnerability, security experts recommended disabling the use of SSLv3 and upgrading to newer and more secure encryption protocols such as TLS (Transport Layer Security). Many web servers and browsers removed or disabled SSLv3 support to protect against POODLE attacks.


JSON Web Token - JWT

A JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, secure, and self-describing format for exchanging information between parties. It consists of a JSON structure that has three parts: the header, the payload, and the signature.

  1. Header: The header contains metadata about the type of the token and the signature algorithm used.

  2. Payload: The payload contains the actual claims or information carried by the token. These claims can include user data, roles, permissions, etc.

  3. Signature: The signature is used to ensure that the token has not been tampered with. It is created by signing the header, payload, and a secret key (known only to the issuer of the token).

JWTs are commonly used for authentication and authorization in web applications. For example, they can be used to authenticate users after login and grant them access to specific resources by being stored in HTTP headers or HTTP cookies and exchanged between the client and the server.