

The Model is the data and logic layer in the MVC architecture. It manages the application's data and ensures that it is correctly stored, retrieved, and processed.

Main Responsibilities of the Model

Data Management: Stores and handles data, often in a database.
Business Logic: Contains rules and calculations (e.g., discount calculation for orders).
Data Validation: Checks if input is correct (e.g., if an email address is valid).
Database Communication: Performs CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).

How Does the Model Work in MVC?

  1. The user sends a request (e.g., "Show all blog posts").
  2. The Controller processes the request and calls the Model.
  3. The Model queries the database and returns the data.
  4. The Controller passes the data to the View for display.

Example: Blog System (Model in Laravel)

class BlogPost extends Model {
    protected $fillable = ['title', 'content']; // Erlaubte Felder für Massenverarbeitung

    // Beziehung: Ein Blogpost gehört zu einem Benutzer
    public function user() {
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

🔹 fillable: Specifies which fields can be saved.
🔹 belongsTo(User::class): Indicates that each blog post belongs to a user.


✔ The Model handles all data and business logic of the application.
✔ It ensures a clear separation between data and presentation.
Changes to the data structure only need to be made in the Model, not throughout the entire application.


Created 11 Days 9 Hours ago
Applications Application Programming Interface - API Backend Controller Database Databases Framework Model Model View Controller - MVC Model-View-Controller - MVC Principles Programming Languages Programming Source Code Routing Software Architecture Strategies Web Development

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