

In a UML class diagram, a "composition" is a relationship between classes used to represent a "whole-part" relationship. This means that one class (referred to as the "whole") is composed of other classes (referred to as "parts"), and these parts are closely associated with the whole class. The composition relationship is typically represented with a diamond-shaped symbol (often referred to as a diamond) and a line that points from the whole class to the part classes.

Here are some key features of a composition relationship:

  1. Lifetime: A composition indicates that the parts exist only within the context of the whole class and are typically created and destroyed with it. When the whole class is destroyed, its parts are also destroyed.

  2. Cardinality: Cardinality specifies how many instances of the part class can be contained within the whole class. For example, a class "Car" may have a composition relationship with a class "Wheel," with a cardinality of "4," indicating that a car has exactly 4 wheels.

  3. Immutability: In a composition relationship, the "inseparable" nature of the parts is often emphasized, indicating that they cannot exist independently of the whole class. This is in contrast to aggregation, where parts can exist independently.

A simple example of a composition relationship could be a class diagram for a car, where the car consists of various parts such as an engine, wheels, chassis, and so on. These parts are tightly connected to the car and have a lifetime dependent on that of the car, illustrating a composition relationship between them.


Created 1 Year ago
Applications Documentation Class Diagram Composition Object Oriented Programming Principles Programming Languages Programming Software Software Architecture Strategies UML - Unified Modeling Language Web Development

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