

The Heartbleed Bug was a severe security vulnerability in the OpenSSL library that was publicly disclosed in April 2014. OpenSSL is a widely-used open-source implementation of SSL/TLS protocols used for encrypting data transmissions over the internet.

The Heartbleed Bug allowed an attacker to retrieve sensitive information from a server's memory by sending specially crafted requests to a server using OpenSSL. This information could include private keys, user login credentials, and other sensitive data. The severity of the vulnerability lay in its ability to allow an attacker to intercept sensitive information unnoticed and without leaving a trace.

The security flaw was quickly publicized, and developers worked to patch OpenSSL to address the Heartbleed Bug. Website operators and service providers were urged to update their systems and reissue certificates to ensure the security of their data and that of their users.

Heartbleed underscores the potential risks posed by security vulnerabilities in critical open-source software projects and highlights the importance of swift responses and updates to ensure internet security.


Created 5 Months ago
Heartbleed-Bug Open Web Application Security Project - OWASP Open-Source Security Web Security

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