
Composite Pattern

The Composite Pattern is a design pattern in software development that is used to create hierarchical structures of objects in a way that allows clients to treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly. It composes objects into tree-like structures to represent part-whole hierarchies.

The main idea behind the Composite Pattern is to treat individual objects (leaf nodes) and composite objects (nodes that can have child components) in a uniform manner. This allows clients to interact with both types of objects using the same interface, without needing to know whether they are dealing with a single object or a composition of objects.

The pattern consists of three main components:

  1. Component: This is the common interface or abstract class that represents both individual objects and compositions. It declares operations that are applicable to both leaf nodes and composite nodes.

  2. Leaf: This represents individual objects, which are the building blocks of the composite structure and have no child components.

  3. Composite: This represents the composite objects that can have child components (sub-components). It implements the operations defined in the Component interface and may have additional methods to manage its child components.

The Composite Pattern is particularly useful when you have a hierarchical structure of objects and want to apply operations to the entire hierarchy as well as to individual objects uniformly. It simplifies the code and provides a consistent way of working with complex tree-like structures.

A common real-world example of the Composite Pattern is representing a file system. In this scenario, directories (composites) can contain files (leaf nodes) and other directories. With the Composite Pattern, you can apply operations to both individual files and entire directory structures in a seamless manner.


Created 1 Year ago
Backend Design Patterns Frontend Object Oriented Programming Principles Programming Software Web Development

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