
Write Around

Write-Around is a caching strategy used in computing systems to optimize the handling of data writes between the main memory and the cache. It focuses on minimizing the potential overhead of updating the cache for certain types of data. The core idea behind write-around is to bypass the cache for write operations, allowing the data to be directly written to the main storage (e.g., disk, database) without being stored in the cache.

How Write-Around Works:

  1. Write Operations: When a write occurs, instead of updating the cache, the new data is written directly to the main storage (e.g., a database or disk).
  2. Cache Bypass: The cache is not updated with the newly written data, reducing cache overhead.
  3. Cache Read-Only: The cache only stores data when it has been read from the main storage, meaning frequently read data will still be cached.


  • Reduced Cache Pollution: Write-around reduces the likelihood of "cache pollution" by avoiding caching data that may not be accessed again soon.
  • Lower Overhead: Write-around eliminates the need to synchronize the cache for every write operation, which can be beneficial for workloads where writes are infrequent or sporadic.


  • Potential Cache Misses: Since newly written data is not immediately added to the cache, subsequent read operations on that data will result in a cache miss, causing a slight delay until the data is retrieved from the main storage.
  • Inconsistent Performance: Write-around can lead to inconsistent read performance, especially if the bypassed data is accessed frequently after being written.

Comparison with Other Write Strategies:

  1. Write-Through: Writes data to both cache and main storage simultaneously, ensuring data consistency but with increased write latency.
  2. Write-Back: Writes data only to the cache initially and then writes it back to main storage at a later time, reducing write latency but requiring complex cache management.
  3. Write-Around: Bypasses the cache for write operations, only updating the main storage, and thus aims to reduce cache pollution.

Use Cases for Write-Around:

Write-around is suitable in scenarios where:

  • Writes are infrequent or temporary.
  • Avoiding cache pollution is more beneficial than faster write performance.
  • The data being written is unlikely to be accessed soon.

Overall, write-around is a trade-off between maintaining cache efficiency and reducing cache management overhead for certain write operations.


Created 7 Days 2 Hours ago
Applications Cache Database Databases Principles Programming Software Strategies Web Application Web Development Write Around Write Back Write Through

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