
Release Artifact

A Release Artifact is a specific build or package of software generated as a result of the build process and is ready for distribution or deployment. These artifacts are the final products that can be deployed and used, containing all necessary components and files required to run the software.

Here are some key aspects of Release Artifacts:

  1. Components: A release artifact can include executable files, libraries, configuration files, scripts, documentation, and other resources necessary for the software's operation.

  2. Formats: Release artifacts can come in various formats, depending on the type of software and the target platform. Examples include:

    • JAR files (for Java applications)
    • DLLs or EXE files (for Windows applications)
    • Docker images (for containerized applications)
    • ZIP or TAR.GZ archives (for distributable archives)
    • Installers or packages (e.g., DEB for Debian-based systems, RPM for Red Hat-based systems)
  3. Versioning: Release artifacts are usually versioned to clearly distinguish between different versions of the software and ensure traceability.

  4. Repository and Distribution: Release artifacts are often stored in artifact repositories like JFrog Artifactory, Nexus Repository, or Docker Hub, where they can be versioned and managed. These repositories facilitate easy distribution and deployment of the artifacts in various environments.

  5. CI/CD Pipelines: In modern Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, creating and managing release artifacts is a central component. After successfully passing all tests and quality assurance measures, the artifacts are generated and prepared for deployment.

  6. Integrity and Security: Release artifacts are often provided with checksums and digital signatures to ensure their integrity and authenticity. This prevents artifacts from being tampered with during distribution or storage.

A typical workflow might look like this:

  • Source code is written and checked into a version control system.
  • A build server creates a release artifact from the source code.
  • The artifact is tested, and upon passing all tests, it is uploaded to a repository.
  • The artifact is then deployed in various environments (e.g., test, staging, production).

In summary, release artifacts are the final software packages ready for deployment after the build and test process. They play a central role in the software development and deployment process.


Created 3 Months ago
Acceptance Tests Data Integrity Functional Tests Java Principles Programming Languages Release Artifact Release Candidate - RC Software Software Architecture Strategies Unit Tests Web Development

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