

Livewire is an open-source framework for developing interactive web applications using PHP. It allows PHP developers to create complex user interfaces without having to write JavaScript. Livewire combines the power of PHP on the server-side with the responsiveness and interactivity of JavaScript on the client-side.

With Livewire, developers can create user interfaces that dynamically respond to user actions without needing to write JavaScript code. Instead, they can use PHP to manage interactions and exchange data between the server and the client. Livewire also enables developers to leverage their existing PHP knowledge and skills to build modern web applications without having to learn a new language.

Developed by Caleb Porzio, Livewire is a popular choice for web application development in the PHP community. It is often used in conjunction with frameworks like Laravel but also offers integrations for other PHP frameworks.


Created 6 Months ago
Applications JavaScript Livewire PHP PHP 7 SPA - Single Page Application Web Application Web Development

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