
Leaner Style Sheets - LESS

LESS is a dynamic stylesheet language developed as an extension of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). The name LESS stands for "Leaner Style Sheets," indicating that LESS provides additional features and syntactical improvements that make writing stylesheets more efficient and easier to read.

Some of the main features of LESS include:

  1. Variables: LESS allows the use of variables to store values such as colors, fonts, and sizes and then use them at various places within the stylesheet. This greatly facilitates the maintenance and updating of stylesheets.

  2. Nesting: LESS permits the nesting of CSS rules, improving code readability and reducing the need for repetition.

  3. Mixins: Mixins are a way to define groups of CSS properties and then use them in different rules or selectors. This enables code modularization and increases reusability.

  4. Functions and operations: LESS supports functions and operations, allowing for complex calculations or transformations to be applied to values.

LESS files are typically compiled into regular CSS files before being used in a webpage. There are various tools and libraries that can automate the compilation of LESS files and convert them into CSS.


Created 7 Months ago
Cascading Style Sheets - CSS Frontend HTML HyperText Markup Language - HTML Leaner Style Sheets - LESS Principles Programming Language Strategies Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets - Sass Tailwind CSS Web Development Reusability

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