
Composer Require Checker

Composer Require Checker is a tool used to verify the consistency of dependencies in PHP projects, particularly when using the Composer package manager. It ensures that all the PHP classes and functions used in a project are covered by the dependencies specified in the composer.json file.

How it works:

  • Dependency verification: Composer Require Checker analyzes the project's source code and checks if all the necessary classes and functions used in the code are provided by the installed Composer packages.
  • Detect missing dependencies: If the code references libraries or functions that are not defined in the composer.json, the tool will flag them.
  • Reduce unnecessary dependencies: It also helps identify dependencies that are declared in the composer.json but are not actually used in the code, helping keep the project lean.


This tool is particularly useful for developers who want to ensure that their PHP project is clean and efficient, with no unused or missing dependencies.


Created 4 Months ago
Applications Composer Composer Require Checker Open-Source PHP PHP 7 Packagist Principles Source Code Software Software Architecture Strategies Web Development

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