
Circular Wait

"Circular Wait" is one of the four necessary conditions for a deadlock to occur in a system. This condition describes a situation where a closed chain of two or more processes or threads exists, with each process waiting for a resource held by the next process in the chain.

Explanation and Example


A Circular Wait occurs when there is a chain of processes, where each process holds a resource and simultaneously waits for a resource held by another process in the chain. This leads to a cyclic dependency and ultimately a deadlock, as none of the processes can proceed until the other releases its resource.


Consider a chain of four processes P1,P2,P3,P4P_1, P_2, P_3, P_4 and four resources R1,R2,R3,R4R_1, R_2, R_3, R_4:

  • P1P_1 holds R1R_1 and waits for R2R_2, which is held by P2P_2.
  • P2P_2 holds R2R_2 and waits for R3R_3, which is held by P3P_3.
  • P3P_3 holds R3R_3 and waits for R4R_4, which is held by P4P_4.
  • P4P_4 holds R4R_4 and waits for R1R_1, which is held by P1P_1.

In this situation, none of the processes can proceed, as each is waiting for a resource held by another process in the chain, resulting in a deadlock.

Preventing Circular Wait

To prevent Circular Wait and thus avoid deadlocks, various strategies can be applied:

  1. Resource Hierarchy: Processes must request resources in a specific order. If all processes request resources in the same order, cyclic dependencies can be avoided.
  2. Use of Timestamps: Processes can be assigned timestamps, and resources are only granted to processes with certain timestamps to ensure that no cyclic dependencies occur.
  3. Design Avoidance: Ensure that the system is designed to exclude cyclic dependencies.

Preventing Circular Wait is a crucial aspect of deadlock avoidance, contributing to the stable and efficient operation of systems.


Created 3 Months ago
Asynchronous programming Backend Circular Wait Deadlock Mutual Exclusion - Mutex Principles Programming Language Programming Languages Programming Queue Race Condition Software Software Architecture Strategies

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