
Rolling Deployment

Rolling Deployment is a gradual software release method where the new version of an application is deployed incrementally, server by server or node by node. The goal is to ensure continuous availability by updating only part of the infrastructure at a time while the rest continues running the old version.

How does it work?

  1. Incremental Update: The new version is deployed to a portion of the servers (e.g., one server in a cluster). The remaining servers continue serving user traffic with the old version.
  2. Monitoring: Each updated server is monitored to ensure that the new version is stable and functioning properly. If no issues arise, the next server is updated.
  3. Progressive Update: This process continues until all servers have been updated to the new version.
  4. Rollback Capability: If issues are detected on one of the updated servers, the deployment can be halted or rolled back to the previous version before more servers are updated.


  • Continuous Availability: The application remains available to users because only part of the infrastructure is updated at a time.
  • Risk Mitigation: Problems can be identified on a small portion of the infrastructure before affecting the entire application.
  • Efficient for Large Systems: This approach is particularly effective for large, distributed systems where updating everything at once is impractical.


  • Longer Deployment Time: Since the update is gradual, the overall deployment process takes longer than a complete rollout.
  • Complex Monitoring: It can be more challenging to monitor multiple versions running simultaneously and ensure they interact correctly, especially with changes to data structures or APIs.
  • Data Inconsistency: As with other deployment strategies involving multiple active versions, data consistency issues can arise.

A Rolling Deployment is ideal for large, scalable systems that require continuous availability and reduces risk through incremental updates.


Canary Release

A Canary Release is a software deployment technique where a new version of an application is rolled out gradually to a small subset of users. The goal is to detect potential issues early before releasing the new version to all users.

How does it work?

  1. Small User Group: The new version is initially released to a small percentage of users (e.g., 5-10%), while the majority continues using the old version.
  2. Monitoring and Feedback: The behavior of the new version is closely monitored for bugs, performance issues, or negative user feedback.
  3. Gradual Rollout: If no significant problems are detected, the release is expanded to a larger group of users until eventually, all users are on the new version.
  4. Rollback Capability: If major issues are identified in the small group, the release can be halted, and the system can be rolled back to the previous version before it affects more users.


  • Early Issue Detection: Bugs or errors can be caught early and fixed before the new version is widely available.
  • Risk Mitigation: Only a small portion of users is affected at first, minimizing the risk of large-scale disruptions.
  • Flexibility: The deployment can be stopped or rolled back at any point if problems are detected.


  • Complexity: Managing multiple versions simultaneously and monitoring user behavior requires more effort and possibly additional tools.
  • Data Inconsistency: When different user groups are on different versions, data consistency issues can arise, especially if the data structure has changed.

A Canary Release provides a safe, gradual way to introduce new software versions without affecting all users immediately.