

Jekyll is a static site generator based on Ruby. It was developed to create blogs and other regularly updated websites without the need for a database or a dynamic server. Here are some of the main features and advantages of Jekyll:

  1. Static Websites: Jekyll generates static HTML files that can be served directly by a web server. This makes the sites very fast and secure since no server-side processing is required.

  2. Markdown Support: Content for Jekyll sites is often written in Markdown, making it easy to create and edit content.

  3. Flexible Templates: Jekyll uses Liquid templates, which offer great flexibility in designing and structuring web pages.

  4. Simple Configuration: Jekyll is configured through a simple YAML file, which is easy to understand and edit.

  5. Integration with GitHub Pages: Jekyll is tightly integrated with GitHub Pages, meaning you can host your website directly from a GitHub repository without additional configuration or setup.

  6. Plugins and Extensions: There are many plugins and extensions for Jekyll that provide additional functionality and customization.

  7. Open Source: Jekyll is open source, meaning it is free to use, and the community constantly contributes to its improvement and expansion.

Jekyll is often preferred by developers and tech-savvy users who want full control over their website and appreciate the benefits of static sites over dynamic websites.