
File Transfer Protocol - FTP

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a standard protocol used for transferring files over a network, particularly over the Internet. FTP allows users to transfer files from one host computer to another.

The basic FTP system consists of a client and a server. The FTP client is the software running on the user's computer that initiates file transfers, while the FTP server is the software running on the host computer that provides or receives the files.

FTP supports various operating modes, including active mode and passive mode. In active mode, the client initiates a connection to the server, while in passive mode, the server establishes a connection to the client. Passive mode is often used when the client is behind a firewall.

Users can authenticate themselves with FTP servers to gain read or write access to specific directories. There are also secure variants like FTPS (FTP Secure) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) that use encryption technologies to ensure the security of the transmissions.

FTP is used for various purposes, including uploading files to a web server, downloading software updates, and general file exchange over the Internet.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - SMPT

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is a protocol used for the transmission of emails over the Internet. SMTP facilitates the transfer of emails from a client (such as an email client on your computer or smartphone) to an email server and between email servers.

In essence, SMTP works by having the sender send an email to the SMTP server. The SMTP server is responsible for forwarding the email to the recipient. The SMTP server plays a crucial role in routing and transmitting the email from one server to another.

It's important to note that SMTP is generally responsible for sending emails but not for receiving them. The reception of emails is typically governed by protocols such as the Post Office Protocol (POP) or the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP).

SMTP is used in conjunction with other protocols like MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) to enable the transmission of attachments and formatted messages. It is an essential component of the email system and plays a crucial role in the global exchange of electronic mail.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is a communication protocol used for exchanging information on the World Wide Web. HTTP facilitates the transfer of text, graphics, sounds, videos, and other files between web browsers and web servers.

In essence, HTTP works by having the web browser send a request to a web server, and the server responds with the requested data. The browser's request is usually specified in the form of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), and the server replies with the requested content or an error if the request is unsuccessful.

HTTP is a stateless protocol, meaning that each request is considered independent of previous ones. This implies that the server does not store information about prior requests from the same client. To maintain state information between requests, cookies can be used.

It is important to note that there is a more secure version called HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), which enables encrypted communication between the web browser and the web server. HTTPS protects the integrity and confidentiality of the transmitted data and is recommended for secure transactions on the internet, such as online payments or transmitting sensitive information.


Secure WebSocket - wss

Secure WebSocket (wss) is a variant of the WebSocket protocol based on the HTTP Secure (HTTPS) protocol. WebSocket is a communication protocol that enables bidirectional communication between a client and a server over a single, persistent connection. Unlike traditional HTTP connections, which are based on request and response, WebSocket allows continuous real-time data transmission.

The security of WebSocket is ensured by using TLS/SSL (Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer) for encrypting and authenticating the data transmission. By using wss, the communication between the WebSocket client and server is encrypted, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the transmitted data.

The use of wss is particularly important when transmitting sensitive information, as encryption ensures that third parties cannot eavesdrop on or manipulate the data. This is especially relevant when WebSocket is employed in applications such as real-time chats, online games, financial transactions, or other scenarios where privacy and security are of high importance.



Websockets are an advanced technology for bidirectional communication between a web browser (client) and a web server. Unlike traditional HTTP connections, which typically work in a unidirectional manner (from the client to the server), Websockets enable simultaneous communication in both directions.

Here are some key features of Websockets:

  1. Bidirectional Communication: Websockets allow real-time communication between the client and server, with both parties able to send messages in both directions.

  2. Low Latency: By establishing a persistent connection between the client and server, Websockets reduce latency compared to traditional HTTP requests, where a new connection has to be established for each request.

  3. Efficiency: Websockets reduce overhead compared to HTTP, requiring fewer header details and relying on a single connection instead of establishing a new one for each request.

  4. Support for Various Protocols: Websockets can use different protocols, including the WebSocket protocol itself, as well as Secure WebSocket (wss) for encrypted connections.

  5. Event-Driven Communication: Websockets are well-suited for event-driven applications where real-time updates are required, such as in chat applications, real-time games, or live streaming.

Websockets are widely used in modern web applications to implement real-time functionalities. Using Websockets can make applications faster and more responsive, especially when dealing with dynamic or frequently changing data.


Publish-Subscribe-Pattern - PubSub

The Publish/Subscribe pattern (often abbreviated as Pub/Sub) is a communication pattern in software development that enables loose coupling between components or systems. It involves two main actors: the Publisher and the Subscriber.

  • Publisher: Responsible for generating and publishing messages or events. A Publisher sends messages to a central location, the Message Broker or Pub/Sub system.

  • Subscriber: Registers for specific types of messages or topics it wants to react to. A Subscriber receives messages published by the Publisher and forwarded by the Message Broker to the respective subscribers.

The key concept in the Pub/Sub pattern is that the Publisher doesn't send messages directly to specific recipients but rather to a central intermediary system. This system stores messages and then distributes them to all Subscribers interested in the corresponding topic or type of message.

The pattern enables decoupled, scalable, and flexible communication between different parts of an application or between different applications. It's used in various systems and technologies, including messaging brokers, cloud platforms, IoT (Internet of Things), real-time analytics, and other scenarios requiring flexible message delivery.


Google Cloud PubSub

Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a managed messaging service provided by Google, based on the Publish/Subscribe model. It enables scalable and reliable message delivery between applications and systems in real-time.

Cloud Pub/Sub serves as a central intermediary for message delivery between different components within cloud infrastructure or across various applications. It facilitates Publish/Subscribe communication, where Publishers send messages to specific topics, and Subscribers subscribe to these topics to receive messages.

Some key features of Google Cloud Pub/Sub include:

  1. Scalability: It can handle messages in large volumes and is designed for high throughput rates.

  2. Reliability: It ensures message delivery with low latency and offers persistence to prevent message loss.

  3. Real-time processing: Facilitates real-time message transmission between applications or systems.

  4. Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Google Cloud services and can connect to external systems.

Cloud Pub/Sub is commonly used in cloud-based applications, data processing pipelines, real-time analytics, IoT (Internet of Things), and other scenarios requiring reliable and scalable message delivery.


Internet of Things - IoT

The "Internet of Things" (IoT) refers to a network of physical devices, vehicles, household appliances, and other objects equipped with sensors, software, connectivity, and the ability to collect and exchange data. These objects can communicate with each other and gather or share information, often over the internet or other networks.

The goal of IoT is to connect the physical world with the digital world, enhancing automation, efficiency, accuracy, and convenience in various domains. By using sensors and connectivity, IoT devices can collect, analyze, and utilize data to provide real-time information or perform actions without human intervention.

Examples of IoT applications include smart home devices like thermostats or lighting systems, connected vehicles with telematics systems, health monitoring devices, industrial machinery with sensors for monitoring and optimizing processes, and much more. IoT offers a wide range of applications aimed at improving how we live, work, and interact with the world around us.



A Subscriber, in the context of a message broker or messaging system, is an entity or component that receives messages and acts upon them. While the Publisher generates messages and sends them to the message broker, the Subscriber is a part of the system that has subscribed to receive specific types of messages forwarded by the message broker.

Subscribers are recipients of messages who subscribe to particular channels, topics, or types of messages that are relevant to them. Once the message broker receives messages that match the subscription criteria of the Subscribers, it forwards those messages to the corresponding Subscribers, who can then process or respond to them.

For instance, in a messaging system, a Subscriber could be an application waiting for specific types of notifications. Once the message broker receives messages that meet those criteria, it forwards them to the respective application, which then processes or reacts to the received information.



In the context of a message broker, a "Publisher" refers to a component or entity that generates messages and sends them to the message broker. A message broker serves as an intermediary or middleware that facilitates communication between different applications or systems by receiving, processing, and forwarding messages to the appropriate recipients.

The Publisher is the source of messages within this system. It produces messages and sends them to the message broker, which then forwards them to other systems or subscribers. Essentially, the Publisher sends information or events that can be received and processed by other parts of the system or by subscribers.

For example, in a messaging system, a Publisher could be an IoT device generating sensor data and sending it to the message broker, which then disseminates this data to various subscribers or receivers that process or act upon this information.