


CouchDB stands for "Cluster Of Unreliable Commodity Hardware" and is an open-source database software developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is a NoSQL database known for its capability of distributed data storage and replication. CouchDB was designed to provide high availability, scalability, and fault tolerance.

Some features of CouchDB include:

  1. Document-Oriented Database: CouchDB stores data in the form of documents formatted in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). Each document can have different structures and fields, providing flexibility in data storage.

  2. Replication: CouchDB supports bidirectional replication, where data can be synchronized between different database instances. This enables a distributed architecture and increased fault tolerance.

  3. HTTP API: CouchDB offers a RESTful HTTP API through which data can be accessed, updated, and managed. This simplifies interaction with the database and makes it easy to integrate into web applications.

  4. Easy Scalability: CouchDB can be horizontally scaled by adding additional servers to handle database load.

  5. Conflict Resolution: Due to its distributed nature, CouchDB can experience conflicts when different copies of the same document are edited simultaneously. CouchDB provides mechanisms for detecting and resolving such conflicts.

CouchDB is used in various application scenarios, such as web applications, mobile apps, IoT devices, and other situations where flexible and distributed data storage is required.

Created 1 Year ago
Apache CouchDB Databases NoSQL PHP Programming Software Web Development

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