
Acceptance Tests

Acceptance tests, also known as Acceptance Testing, are a type of software testing conducted to ensure that a software application meets the requirements and expectations of users or customers. These tests are designed to ensure that the application functions correctly from a user's perspective and provides the desired features and capabilities.

Here are some key features of acceptance tests:

  1. User-Centric: Acceptance tests are heavily focused on the user's perspective. They are typically defined and conducted by the users, customers, or stakeholders of the application to ensure that it meets their requirements.

  2. Validation of Business Requirements: These tests verify whether the software meets the criteria and features specified in the business requirements and specifications. They ensure that the application supports the intended business processes.

  3. User Acceptance: Acceptance tests are often carried out in close collaboration with end-users or customers. These individuals play an active role in evaluating the application and deciding whether it is accepted or not.

  4. Types of Acceptance Tests: There are various forms of acceptance tests, including User Acceptance Testing (UAT), where end-users test the application, and Customer Acceptance Testing (CAT), where customers evaluate the application. These tests can be performed manually or automated.

  5. Acceptance Criteria: Acceptance criteria are defined in advance and serve as the basis for evaluating the success of the tests. They define what is considered acceptable and which functionalities or features should be tested.

Acceptance tests are the final step in quality assurance and are intended to ensure that the software meets the expectations of users and customers before it goes into production. They are crucial for ensuring that the application aligns with business requirements and maintains a high level of user satisfaction.

Created 1 Year ago
Acceptance Tests Applications Codeception Principles Programming Languages Programming Software Strategies Testing Web Development

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