

In the context of a message broker, a "Publisher" refers to a component or entity that generates messages and sends them to the message broker. A message broker serves as an intermediary or middleware that facilitates communication between different applications or systems by receiving, processing, and forwarding messages to the appropriate recipients.

The Publisher is the source of messages within this system. It produces messages and sends them to the message broker, which then forwards them to other systems or subscribers. Essentially, the Publisher sends information or events that can be received and processed by other parts of the system or by subscribers.

For example, in a messaging system, a Publisher could be an IoT device generating sensor data and sending it to the message broker, which then disseminates this data to various subscribers or receivers that process or act upon this information.


Created 9 Months ago
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol - AMQP Applications IoT - Internet of Things Message Broker Middleware Publisher

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